Winning Texas Holdem Poker V
The best time to get an edge in Texas
holdem poker is at the beginning of the
hand - the first two cards. Most of the
time you'll get your edge by folding the
hand without putting any chips in the
pot. The NoFoldem Texas Holdem Hole Cards
Table is your best guide to winning hole
card play.
In the NoFoldem holdem table, the hole
cards with a plus (+) sign in the Hands
Won percentage column are the starting
hands with above average winning potential
for a ten player game. Casino holdem is
normally dealt ten handed. A NoFoldem
table generated for fewer than ten players
will show pocket pairs ranked somewhat
higher in relative winning potential and
more of the hole cards will be above average.
Even so, the 10 player nofoldem table
presented at this site is an excellent
starting point for getting an edge in
Texas holdem Poker.
players believe that all hole cards are
equal until the flop. Other players will
fold some hole cards, but play weaker
hole cards. Still others will fold on
the first round for reasons other than
their hole cards. Their decision to play
or fold is based on their position, how
many players are in the hand, how much
they are winning or losing, whether the
pot is raised or any number of other reasons.
Some will play every hand when they are
in a winning streak or a rush and be more
selective the rest of the time.
individual playing styles and decisions
make every Texas Holdem Poker game different
and unpredictable. It's impossible to
know exactly which hole cards to play
or fold, but we can use the NoFoldem Holdem
Hole Cards Table and some common sense
to determine a winning approach to hole
card play. It would seem counter-productive
to play some hole cards and fold other
hole cards that are higher in the nofoldem
table. It would also seem self-destructive
to play hole cards with less than average
winning potential. These two guidelines
alone will give us a winning hole card
strategy that can be further refined by
experience and accurate play records.
aware that there is a point of diminishing
returns in tight play. If you play too
tight, your bankroll will be eaten alive
by the blind bets.
card play is the most important part of
holdem poker. You must get an edge on
the first round or you will be at a long
run disadvantage for the rest of the hand.
There is no strategy for the flop, turn
and river that can overcome a mathematical
long run edge in holdem poker can be destroyed
by long run bad play. You will need all
your holdem poker skills to maintain the
edge you get from a winning hole card
VI will discuss Strategy Variations.
I, Part
II, Part
III, Part
IV, Part
Chance's Winning Texas Holdem Poker Site