Poker Talk

Book Description
Brought on by a massive national interest in poker and televised tournaments on five different networks, poker talk is the new language of the day. This fun-filled but informative dictionary shows readers what it means to go all-in with pocket rockets, and stare down a fish drawing to a gutshot to avoid taking a bad beat on the river. This complete guide to poker talk features the most colorful and incredible words, phrases, and poker-speak that not only inhabit the world of poker, but now, increasingly so, popular culture. More than 2,000 words and phrases are carefully defined with illustrations, examples of usage, and light-hearted drawings filling the text. Poker Talk also includes the top 50 names-to-know in poker, famous poker places, anecdotes and colorful quotes from famous players, and basic information on all the major poker games.
Avery Cardoza
Avery Cardoza, the world's foremost authority on gambling, is a multimillion-selling author of 21 books and strategies, and a professional poker player on the World Poker Tour. He regularly competes with the best players in the world and is a money-winner in the World Series of Poker.