John Vorhaus
Let's talk about cheating.
When you play poker in a public cardroom,
are you likely to run into cheaters or
angle shooters or other people trying
to take unfair advantage of you? It's
a legitimate question. And it's a question
that blackjack players or craps players
don't really have to face, because any
cheating activity going on at those games
- short of outright theft of your money
or chips - is likely to be directed against
the house and not against you. The same
is not true in poker, for reasons we've
already discussed: When you play poker
in a public cardroom, you're playing against
other players, and not against the house.
So if they're cheating, they're cheating
of all, let me assure you that cheating
is extremely rare in low limit games,
for the simple reason that this sort of
crime doesn't pay enough to be worthwhile.
The amount of advantage, or edge, that
a cheater can gain in a low limit game
isn't a fraction of the edge that the
cheater could gain by simply playing better.
That said, there are some cheaty moves
that you should be on the lookout for.
It's rare, but it does happen, and it's
up to you to protect your own interest.
One form of cheating is collusion. This
is where two or more players essentially
gang up on an unsuspecting third player.
They might do this in two ways. Passive
collusion has players signaling information
about their hands to one another. If one
player has an ace, for instance, and can
convey that fact to his partner, then
the partner knows that that's one less
ace you might hold, and can change his
betting strategy accordingly. Active collusion
involves two players raising each others'
bets in an effort to get a third player
- you! - caught in the middle. It's easy
enough to detect active collusion. Simply
be on the lookout for two people who raise
each other frequently, only to have one
or the other drop out at the last minute.
If you think you're a victim of either
active or passive collusion, the only
real remedy you have is to leave the table.
Collusion is very hard to prove, and even
if you spot something fishy, it's unlikely
that the floor personnel will take your
word for it and kick another player or
players out of the game. It's not like
the Old West, where cheaters were ridden
out of town on a rail. But here's the
thing: Even if they're not cheating, they
can hurt you by making you think about
and worry about the possibility that they
are. Don't take a chance. Go to a different
table. As we've already discussed, poker
takes concentration. You don't want the
fear of cheaters taking away from yours.
fairly common form of cheating is peeking.
Yes, it's true. Certain unscrupulous players
will try and take advantage of you by
taking a look at your cards! To prevent
this, simply be very careful about the
way that you yourself look at your cards.
Cupping your cards with both hands, lift
them off the table just far enough to
see what they are. Memorize your hand
- then never look at it again! Repeatedly
peeking at your own cards is just an invitation
to have unethical players peek along.
Look once - carefully - and then don't
look again. That's your best protection
against peekers.
To be on the double-safe safe side, ask
a friend to sit beside you and try to
peek at your cards. If you're looking
at your own hand correctly, he won't be
able to peek. If you're being sloppy,
though, your pal will let you know. Believe
me, the peekers never will!
There's another brand of unethical behavior
that falls just short of cheating, but
lands in the same category. It's called
angle shooting. Angle shooters are people
who use the rules and procedures of poker,
or other players' ignorance, or both,
to their advantage.
Here's an example of shooting an angle.
As you know, in hold 'em, each player
acts in turn. It may be that the angle
shooter is due to act before you, but
he wants to know whether you'll call a
bet if he makes one. So he fakes a bet
by gesturing toward the middle of the
table with his chips. If he sees you preparing
to call his bet, he just checks instead,
and thus saves himself from making a bet
he really didn't want to make. This fake
bet is a very common move for angle shooters
to make. You can protect yourself against
it simply by waiting until he has completed
his action before you start yours.
Another angle they try to shoot is misdeclaring
their hands. If you hear someone say,
"I've got a flush," and you know you can't
beat the flush, you might throw your hand
away - only to hear the angle shooter
say, "Oh, goodness, I thought I had a
flush, but it turns out I don't!" Since
your hand is dead once it hits the discard
pile, or muck, this nefarious angle shooter
would end up winning - no, stealing -
a pot that's rightfully yours. Again,
protection is simple. Wait to see the
winning hand before you throw your losing
hand away. If you have any doubt, just
turn your cards face-up and let the dealer
decide. In that way you will be invulnerable
to angle shooters.
shooters have myriad other scams they
run, but the basic defense is always the
same: Wait your turn; don't take anything
for granted; don't give anything away.
When in doubt, ask the dealer or the other
players. They'll help you protect your
Although I've talked about cheating in
this column, I want to stress that poker
players, as a class, are about the most
honest, and honorable, people you're ever
likely to meet. Think about it: Would
you leave a bucket of quarters sitting
unattended by a slot machine and trust
that they'd be there when you return?
Of course not! But at a poker table, you
can leave your chips and cash right at
your seat while you go take a walk or
visit the bathroom or even grab a meal.
Can you think of any other place where
you can do that? I can't.
when you're ready to take the plunge into
casino poker (and in my opinion you should
be just about ready now) don't worry too
much about cheaters and cheating. Protect
your hand and protect your interests,
but don't let the fear of cheating throw
you off your game. There's a saying in
poker: Nobody hurts you harder than yourself.
Next time we'll discuss why this is true.