John Vorhaus
time we were discussing the structure
of betting in a fixed-limit game of Texas
hold 'em. This time we'll look at the
types of two-card starting hands you're
likely to encounter, which ones you should
play, and which ones you should throw
away or fold.
are four different types of hands in hold
'em: pairs; suited cards; connected cards;
and rags.
of course, are hands where your two cards
match. The higher the pair, the stronger
the hand. If you start with A-A, for example,
and your opponent starts with 3-3, then
you have a tremendous advantage over her.
The only way she can beat you is for the
board to deliver one of the two remaining
threes in the deck (unlikely) or four
cards which work together with one of
her threes to make a straight or a flush
(even more unlikely still).
Suited hands are those with two cards
in the same suit. With suited cards, you
have the possibility of making a flush
if three or more cards of the same suit
turn up on the board. Again, you'd prefer
to have high suited cards, because your
opponent could make a flush in the same
suit as you, and then the pot would go
to the player whose flush featured the
highest cards. Say, for example, you hold
A-Th (ace-ten of hearts) and your opponent
holds Q-Jh. The flop delivers the six
and three of hearts, plus the deuce of
spade (6h-3h-2s). Now you both have a
flush draw, but yours is better because
if another heart comes, you'll have an
ace-high flush, while your opponent's
will only be queen high. Even if the king
of hearts should turn up, your opponent's
king-high flush won't be as good as your
ace-high monster!
Connected cards are hands like K-Q, T-9,
6-5 or any other two-card holding where
the cards are adjacent in rank. The strength
of connected cards lies in their ability
to make straights. If you hold 9-8, for
instance, and the flop comes T-7-2, you've
flopped an open-ended straight draw, and
any jack or six on the turn or the river
will complete your hand. Not surprisingly,
big connected cards are better than small
ones. Sad is the person who holds 7-6
when the board shows T-9-8 and his opponent
is holding Q-J!
Ragged hands, or rags, are holdings like
K-8, J-2, 6-4, 8-5, etc. Sometimes these
hands will seem attractive, especially
if they're suited, or one-gappers like
9-7. Take my advice... don't play 'em!
Rag hands are trouble hands. The more
often you fold them, the better off you'll
fact, that's a pretty good rule of thumb
for hold 'em hands of any kind: When in
doubt, fold. The main mistake that most
beginning hold 'em players make is that
of playing too many hands. If you avoid
this mistake, if you play tight instead
of loose, you'll give yourself a big advantage
over your less-disciplined opponents.
It's easy to lose your discipline in hold
'em. Once you've thrown away 8-5o (eight-five
unsuited or offsuit), only to see the
flop come 8-8-5, you'll start to think
that any two starting cards can make a
hand in hold 'em. While it's true that
you might hit a big flop with any starting
hands (heck, you only need three of a
kind on board to make quads!) the odds
are way against you. Any time you enter
a hand with inferior cards, it's like
running a race where you give your opponent
a big head start. Sure, you might win
sometimes, but aren't you more likely
to win when you're the one with the big
head start?
Poker is a game that takes patience. You
have to fold hand after hand after hand,
waiting for those few quality hands that
will give you the big head start against
your foes. The good news is that, with
the exception of the blinds, it costs
you nothing to fold those hands! That's
why poker is such a good deal for the
savvy casino gambler. In virtually every
other game in the house, you have to put
up some money to play (and since the house
has an edge, you're always, on average,
going to get back less than you put up).
But in hold 'em, or any poker game without
an ante, you can look at hand after hand
after hand for free! If you're selective
about which hands you play, you not only
get more bang for your gambling buck,
you're much more likely to be successful
in winning the pot!
time, you'll recall, we talked about the
importance of position in hold 'em. Here's
where we start to see it in action. Suppose
you're holding a hand like Q-Js: high
cards, suited and connected. It looks
like a good hand - and maybe it is. But
how many better hands are out there? If
you're first to act after the blinds,
you have no idea whether your hand is
strong, relative to the rest of the players,
or not. Anyone yet to act behind you might
have a monster hand like A-A or K-K, and
be just waiting for a chance to raise
the bet. If you enter the pot in early
position, you're very vulnerable to raises
from players waiting to act behind you.
the other hand, if you hold that Q-J suited
in last position (on the button) and no
one else has called the blind bet and
entered the pot, you can be fairly sure
that your hand is superior to the random
hands that the blinds may hold. Now not
only can you call the bet, you can actually
raise! Maybe the blinds will both fold
and you'll win the pot right there.
'em, then, is a game of big cards and
good position. If you do nothing but play
big cards in late position, you'll have
a sound basic strategy for success in
the game.
here's your homework: Get a bunch of friends
together and practice playing hold 'em
for free. Try to make the game as much
like the casino version as possible, so
that when you finally take the plunge
into public poker, you'll feel totally
at ease and at home.