John Vorhaus
In this column we'll look at the kinds
of cards that make good starting hands
in Omaha high-low split, eight-or-better
for low, commonly known as Omaha/8. By
way of review, let's remember that Omaha/8
features four cards in each player's hand,
with five common board cards dealt exactly
as in hold 'em: three on the flop, one
on the turn and one on the river. Since
it's a high-low split game, the best high
and low hands share the pot, assuming
that the low is a made low, consisting
of five different cards ranked eight or
lower. And always remember that in Omaha/8,
you must use two cards from your hand
and three from the board.
Two from the hand, three from the board.
This fact controls absolutely how you
evaluate your Omaha hands. To take one
obvious example, you could be dealt four
of a kind - and have to throw that
hand away! What good are four of a
kind when you can only use two of them?
You know you can't improve to trips because
you already hold the cards you need in
your hand. Your only hope is to have three
of a kind turn up on the board, thus giving
you a full house - but maybe giving someone
else the dreaded quads!
Likewise, you have to throw away hands
that contain four, or even three, of the
same suit. You like to have two suited
cards in your hand in Omaha/8, but if
you have more than two, they start to
work against you because the cards in
your hand can't turn up on the board where
you need them.
we're on the subject of suited cards,
it's important to remember that the only
really valuable flush draws are nut
flush draws. If you have A -x ,
you have a much stronger hand than if
you have Q -x
or even K -x .
Why? Because if you have the nut flush
draw, you don't have to worry about someone
else having it. And in Omaha/8, you always
have to worry about someone else
having the nuts. Remember Murphy's Law
of Omaha:
The hand that could beat you will beat
you. Don't go to war with second-best
If you follow this one rule, and rarely
or never chase pots with less than the
nut hand or the nut draw, you won't go
too far wrong in the game.
what's a nut hand or a nut draw? Any time
you start out with a hand containing A-2,
you have the potential to make a nut low,
because any three low cards other than
A-2 will give you an unbeatable low hand.
But of course there are two things you
need to worry about. First, there might
not be three low cards on board in that
hand. The flop could come K-K-T, and then
you're A-2 holding would be worthless.
Second, you might get counterfeited;
that is, a low card matching one of yours
could turn up on the board. Suppose the
flop comes 2-4-8. Your deuce is counterfeited,
and anyone holding A-3 or even A-5 suddenly
has a better hand than yours. (If you
don't understand this concept intuitively,
just deal yourself some hands of Omaha/8
and lay out a few sets of board cards.
Ask yourself what the best possible hand
is. You'll get the hang of it in no time.)
So A-2 are good cards to hold, but A-2-3
are much better cards to hold,
because they give you some counterfeit
protection. Now if the flop comes 2-4-8,
you don't have to play your A-2 holding;
you can fall back on your A-3 combination
instead. I imagine you can now see that
if A-2 is good and A-2-3 is better, then
A-2-3-4 will give you maximum protection
against a counterfeit low. This is true.
Of course the board could still come K-K-T,
killing your low altogether, but hey,
that's Omaha.
The important principle to understand
here is that you want hands where all
your cards work together. These coordinated
hands are really the ones to prize in
Omaha/8. That A-2-3-4 works so well because
you can use A-2, A-3, A-4, 2-3 or 2-4,
depending on what the board cards bring.
Your hand is flexible and coordinated.
Likewise, if you had a hand like K-Q-J-T,
you would have all sorts of possibilities
for big draws. You could flop two pair
or a set, plus a straight or an
open-ended straight draw. That's a coordinated
an example of a hand that is not coordinated,
and should not be played: K-J-T-3. Sure
you have some high straight possibilities,
but what's that three doing there? What
good is it for? You can't make a low,
because you have only one low card, and
the three won't help any of your straight
draws. That lonesome three, sometimes
called a dangler makes this hand
Here are some other dangle hands: 2-3-4-K;
8-8-7-2; 5-6-7-J. These are examples of
hands where all your cards don't work
together. Here, on the other hand, is
a highly coordinated hand: A -3 -A-K.
The aces work together as a pair; the
A-3 can turn into a low; you have a suited
ace, and both a high and a low straight
draw with the A-K and the A-3. That's
the kind of hand you want in Omaha/8.
call these valuable two-card combinations
packets. Any time you have two
cards that work together to form a playable
combination, like a pair, or suited cards,
or connected cards or low cards, you have
a packet. Hands with two or one
or no packets should not be played. Hands
with four or five or six packets can be
played very enthusiastically.
sum up, then, avoid danglers, seek coordinated
hands and count your packets - the more
the merrier! I recognize that this is
a very limited overview of Omaha/8, and
I hope to return to the subject in a future
column. In the meantime, if you're interested
in playing the game, there are plenty
of good books on the subject and plenty
of sites on the internet where you can
play for free until you get your feet
under you. After that, go get 'em
- and tell 'em JV sent ya!