7 Stud Play: Finding Good Poker Games
Ashley Adams
Contact at: (
Author of Winning 7-Card Stud
win at poker, in the long run, you need
to play better poker than the people you
are playing against. Seems obvious enough,
right? So you learn whatever you can about
the game to become better. Again, an obvious
what is often not as obvious is that there
are two ways to become better than your
opponents. One is to improve your skills.
You can assiduously study, learn about
the game, and practice. If you are at
least somewhat intelligent, observant,
and disciplined, that will help improve
your game. But it is only one half of
the equation of making you better than
your opponents. The other half (the easier
half in fact) is playing against players
who play worse than you play.
bad players! In one sense that is counterintuitive
for the competitive person. We are trained,
and our instincts pull us to want strong
opponents as we seek to get better. In
fact, this is generally how we improve
in other competitive endeavors. If we
want to play better tennis we play against
better tennis players. If we want to become
a better musician we find better musicians
to practice and perform with. Football,
golf, public speaking, running, weightlifting,
body building? Just about everything else
we might do is improved by doing it with
those who have done it longer and do it
better than we do.
Not so in POKER!
want weak opponents in poker. We want
players who don't understand basic poker
strategy. We want players who are playing
to gamble, just to have fun, or even to
lose. We don't want to compete against
other strong, aggressive poker players
play poker to win. Sure, we might want
to go up against a world class player
now and again. But we want to do it when
there are plenty of lousy players around
to feed us. We don't want to go heads
up against someone who is better because
it will cost us money. And we want to
make money.
run some simulations on an excellent computer
poker software: Turbo 7 Stud by Wilson
Software. I corroborated my theory (and
those of many others) that you need bad
players to play against if you want to
win. I set up a sample $5/10 Stud game
with 8 "strong player" simulations. I
ran it for 100,000 hands (or about 4,000
hours of steady play @ 25 hands/hour)
When the 5% $3 maximum rake was accounted
for, ALL
the players lost money. My next simulation
had a solid, mediocre player thrown into
the mix. They still all lost money; similarly
so with two solid, mediocre players (though
not as much). However, when ONE bad, loose
player, or three solid, mediocre players
were thrown into the mix, the remaining
strong players won money. And, despite
some players' anecdotal evidence to the
contrary, the more bad loose players in
the mix, the more the strong players won.
The highest winnings were against 7 bad,
loose players.
I repeat my premise. To win at poker you
need to be better than your opponents.
If you are the eighth best Stud player
in the world, but are playing against
the other seven best, you will lose. Though
it might be good for your ego to be seen
in that august company, avoid that game.
Instead, learn to spot bad players and
play with them.
bad players, and thereby good games, is
pretty easy. Bad players call too much,
raise too little, and call too much. Watch
a few hands and count the number of people
who stay for fourth street. If you generally
have four people or more, it's probably
a good game. Similarly, if there are three
or more people at the showdown you've
probably spotted a profitable place to
play. If players rarely raise each other,
so much the better.
stay away from tough games. They're relatively
easy to spot too. You'll see few hands
reaching the River; fewer with showdowns,
rarely more than two players seeing fifth
street. And you'll see many raises and
reraises. Few if any bring ins go around
without being completed.
for games where people seem to be enjoying
themselves. If there are a lot of dour
faces, folded arms, scowling or just expressions
of concentration, there probably isn't
a lot of loose money to be had. But if
people are laughing it up, loud, drinking,
carrying on, and generally having a ball,
that's where you want to be.
also a fringe benefit with games like
these. Even if you don't end up making
money, you will have a better time playing
poker when you are playing with people
who are enjoying themselves. Just be careful
that you don't fall into the habit of
making loose calls and gratuitous raises
just to be one of the gang. Add to the
merriment and spirit of the table with
words rather than deeds and you'll be
just fine!
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